
Remi – Our Strongest Little Girl

We never expected to find out that our daughter had a very rare genetic condition. But does anyone? There’s nothing that truly prepares you for that moment. All of the doctor visits, the procedures that had to happen, the endless amount of time spent googling her “symptoms”, none of it prepares you for hearing the words: “Your daughter has Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome.

Millie’s Story: A Warrior’s Quest to Raise Awareness

By: Charlotte Bedford, United Kingdom Millie was born in 2010, after a normal pregnancy and birth. It soon became apparent that Millie wasn't gaining the weight, and we were given the diagnosis of "Failure to Thrive".  Months of high calorie milk and tests...

L’histoire de Robin: un petit guerrier

by Cecile Garaud Robin est un petit guerrier, je l'ai su dès que le test a viré au bleu.  Une conviction qui s'est affirmée tout au long de cette grossesse qui a pris la forme d'un marathon, d'un parcours d'obstacles que l'on a franchi avec courage, un mois après...