
Logan’s Story: From his Proud Mother

By: Julie Hill Rare is proud, rare is strong, and this is our story so far… After many years of IVF, we had our first-born Isaac, who was born 13 weeks premature.  But still I longed for another baby. We lost a baby in between and around the due date of this...

Olivia’s Story: A Journey of 35 Years

By: Maree Grover, Australia  Our daughter Olivia is the fifth in our family of five children and was born in June 1985. She was a smaller baby than her siblings and I had been very unwell for all of that pregnancy. Olivia was a breastfed baby until about 8 months...

Brandon’s Story: Rare is Strong

The following is a story about the strength of Brandon from Pennsylvania, USA in his mother’s words:  Brandon is our 17-year-old WSS Warrior and is the true definition of “Rare is STRONG.”   We received Brandon's WSS diagnosis in 2017, so a little later...

First Grant Awarded

Our first grant, in the amount of $200,000 has been awarded to Dr. Hans Bjornsson of the University of Iceland. Dr. Bjornsson’s project, Creation of a Specialized WSS Mouse Model to Establish Postnatal Malleability of the Neurological Phenotype in WSS, will take place over the next two years.