Planned Giving
Naming the WSS Foundation as a beneficiary through your will or living trust is an easy way to make a meaningful difference without affecting your current finances.
Life Insurance Policy
By adding the WSS Foundation as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy, you can help provide support to those affected by WSS in addition to taking care of your loved ones.
Retirement Plan
Designating the WSS Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement assets can not only help support those affected by WSS, but also may help lessen the burden of estate taxes on your family members or heirs, and your gift may potentially be given tax free.
Charitable Remainder Trust
After serving its purpose of providing additional income during your lifetime, remaining funds in a trust can help benefit those affected by WSS.
If you are interested in supporting the WSS Foundation through planned giving, please contact:
*The WSS Foundation is providing general information about estate, gift, and financial planning. The information provided herein does NOT constitute legal or professional advice. Legal, tax, and financial advice from a licensed professional in your jurisdiction should be sought when considering these types of gifts.