If you are interested in participating in the study being completed by Dr. Livia Garavelli in Italy on C-2/C-3 vertebrae fusion in WSS patients, please download the 4 files below (instructions, purpose of the study, a medical history, and consent). Dr. Garavelli also needs the images of Cervical X-Rays and Brain MRIs (if possible a CD to sent to Dr. Livia’s address). Dr. Livia’s contact information is as follows:
Dr.ssa Livia Garavelli
Struttura Semplice Dipartimentale di Genetica Clinica
Dipartimento Interaziendale Materno-Infantile
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
AUSL Arcispedale S.Maria Nuova Viale Risorgimento, 80
42123-Reggio Emilia ITALY
Phone +39 0522 296244 / 295463
FAX +39 0522 296266 295934
E.mail: livia.garavelli@ausl.re.it
Study Description
Participation Instructions
Consent Form
Medical History Form